Sunday, November 30, 2008

Iliad and Troy comparison

A few differences I found in the movie that were not in the book were that in the fight between Agamemnon and Achilles a god didn't appear to Achilles and stop him like in the Iliad. The movie never describes the gods in depth or even show them to viewers other than a few statues in temples. I think they do this because the Greek gods can be confusing if you have no prior knowledge of who they are and what they do. The movie even combined the characters of Chryseis and Briseis into one. This shows the movie was no doubt shortened from the twenty+ book epic to fit into two and a half hours. The movie was very visual in all the bloodshed and battles. For example, Achilles's chariot glimmered and his black horses brought terror to Trojans. In the movie however, his horses do not talk like in the epic. The movie made Achilles look as if he fought like a god through hours of choreography and practice. To conclude, both the Iliad and the movie did a great job of showing how all the men wanted to be honored and remembered for their courage.

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