Monday, October 13, 2008

Strategy and Success Blog

1) I really like how we do vocab one day out of the whole week. It seems to work well and I feel I am learning the words better when we discuss during class on Wednesdays.
2) My greatest disappointment in class so far is the lack of participation in discussions from my fellow classmates.
3) The meathod I use for studying for quizzes/tests is just to take a half an hour a night and read through the book for vocab, or just stories and my notes for the other quizzes.
4) I am more of a visual person. I know this from my past experiences with assignments, quizzes and tests. I tend to do fine on these when I just read through the material the task is about. The only time I make notecards or study sheets is when it is required and I still do fine without them.

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