Monday, May 18, 2009


I learned a lot about Taoism in this last week. For example, I learned that they are more laid back and passive than Christians. I tend to disagree with most of Taoism since as a Christian, I am called to take action and stand up for God. Also, we as Christians are called to convert others rather than sit back and watch the time fly.
I do agree with some aspects though:
I believe we define ourselves [through God], not through actions or people. Also, I believe that we should not fight just to fight; peace is important.
The lack of stress and disruption in Taoism is nice, but I believe it to be a naive thought since everyday we are put into tough, stressful situations and not realizing/accepting this would just be wrong [to me].

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Koran

I learned that Muslims share a lot of the beliefs we Christians do. I have also discovered quite a few differences from the Christianity and Islam. For example, they believe in a single god just as we do, though we believe in God not Allah. A difference I remember is that they believed that they believe you're either a believer or you'll never be one. We believe that you're a believer or not, but in Christianity you can save non-believers, unlike Islam where there hearts are sealed by Allah. Though I found the Koran quite confusing and hard to read, I now feel like I understand the basis of Muslim belief.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


My initial response to the movie Camelot is that musicals suck...just being honest. Then I realized that I loved Across the Universe and figured I'd give it a chance. Great choice! The movie seemed a bit cheesy but it's forgiven since it is after all a musical...anywho, I really liked how it shows universal values like faith, purity (Lancelot), equality (by showing the different social classes and even sing a song), greed (Arthur's illegitimate son), chivalry and love. Lancelot is a definate symbol relating to christianity and faith in my opinion. The movie shows how all humans sin, all can dream, and how equality is just right...lack of words but it's true. Surprisingly, those all can be christian virtues...

Knights, chivalry...just reminds me of the Christian crusades...coincidence? You decide.